Notice: The following North Mason School District staff directory is for non-commercial use only, such as communication between parents, staff, and students. It may not be used by businesses or outside organizations for advertising, bulk mailing, or similar purposes. Any organization or individual found in violation of these terms may be blocked from sending email to NMSD.
District Office
250 E Campus Drive
Belfair, WA 98528
Superintendent's Office
Superintendent: Dana Rosenbach
Executive Assistant: Jackie Young
Phone: (360) 277-2300
Fax: (360) 277-2320
Director of Systems & Supports: Cris Turner
Phone: (360) 277-2295
Director of Curriculum & Instructional Practices: Kyle Ehlis
Phone: (360) 277-2112
Human Resources
Director: Nathan Fitzpatrick
Phone: (360) 277-2106
Fax: (360) 277-2178
HR Classified Specialist: Haven Hermsen
Phone: (360) 277-2351
HR Certificated Specialist: Amy Hurd
Phone: (360) 277-2354
Director: Clint Forsythe
(360) 277-2300
Inclusive Education Office
Director: Amber Nygard
Office Coordinator: Cathy Hadley
(360) 277-2111
Food & Nutrition Services
Director: Mackenna Long
(360) 277-2121
Director: Maurine Simons
(360) 277-2301
Facilities & Maintenance
Director: Joan Moore
(360) 277-2222
Business & Finance
Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations: Dan King
(360) 277-2107
Mary E. Theler Early Learning Center
22871 NE SR 3
Belfair, WA 98528
BLENDED- ECEAP/Developmental Pre-School Programs
(36) 277-2344
Developmental Pre-School/Child Find contacts:
Elaine Sharer (360) 277-2344
Chantelle Wisner (360) 277-2102
Elementary Schools:
Belfair Elementary (Grades K - 5)
Principal: Pam Klusman
Vice Principal: Christy Dalby
Office Coordinator: Sarah Stuart
NE 22900 Hwy. 3
Belfair, WA 98528
Phone: (360) 277-2233
Fax: (360) 275-8842
Attendance Line: (360) 277-2235
Sand Hill Elementary (Grades K - 5)
Principal: Jessica Collins
Vice Principal: Tyler Lunde
Office Coordinator: Irina Bailey
791 NE Sand Hill Dr.
Belfair, WA 98528
Phone: (360) 277-2330
Fax: (360) 277-2307
Middle School: Hawkins Middle School (Grades 6 - 8)
Principal: Robert Kalahan
Assistant Principal: Kevin Pattison
Office Coordinator: Andrea Brickwedel
200 E. Campus Dr.
Belfair, WA 98528
Phone: (360) 277-2302
Fax: (360) 277-2324
Attendance Line: (360) 277-2221
High Schools: North Mason High School (Grades 9 - 12)
Principal: Chad Collins
Assistant Principal: Steve Hackett
Athletic Director: Robert Thomas (360) 277-2303 x2165
Office Coordinator: Dannette Hull
150 E North Mason School Road
Belfair, WA 98528
Phone: (360) 277-2303
Fax: (360) 277-2323
Attendance Line: (360) 277-2218
Guidance Office: (360) 277-2191
Athletics Office: (360) 277-2300 x2163
James A. Taylor High School (Grades 9 - 12)
Principal: Alexia Hadfield
Office Coordinator: Naree Crabb
90 E North Mason School Road
Belfair, WA 98528
Phone: (360) 277-2329
Fax: (360) 277-2326
Attendance Line: (360) 277-2294
Guidance Office: (360) 277-2293
Director: Alexia Hadfield
Office Coordinator: Naree Crabb
90 E North Mason School Road
Belfair, WA 98528
Phone: (360) 277-2329
Fax:(360) 277-2326
Attendance Line: (360) 277-2294
Guidance Office: (360) 277-2293