Indigenous Peoples Day

In observance of Indigenous Peoples Day, there are no classes for students this Monday, October 14, 2024, NMSD Staff will have a Professional Development Day.

🥎 HMS fastpitch played at home yesterday on what was a perfect fall evening with the sunlight streaming through the trees. The team had a convincing win against Cedar Heights but what the score doesn't show was the incredible teamwork amongst our players, the amazing support of family, friends and coaches, and the genuine sportsmanship and camaraderie that existed between the two teams. It was North Mason at its finest. Well done, Huskies!
Seen in these photos are rising freshman being celebrated after playing their last ever middle school home game. Good luck to our future Bulldogs!

💙 Recognizing RESPECT 💙
Congratulations to Deb Boad, Secretary at Belfair Elementary, for being nominated by Admin for demonstrating respect. "Deb shows respect every day and in every way to our families, students and staff. She listens without judgement and never speaks an unkind word of another."
Deb Boad will be retiring at the end of this month after being with the district for 24 years. Half of that time she has spent at Belfair Elementary, being the welcoming face our staff, students and families see when they walk into the office. We will miss you, Deb!

📅 SAVE THE DATE!! "Beyond the Bulldog - Career & College Information Night."
On October 24th our high school counselors are hosting an informative evening covering the following topics:
4:00 - 6:00 pm - Careers & Colleges (CTE Hallway)
4:15 pm - NCAA Eligibility (Career Center)
5:00pm/6:00pm/7:00 pm - Financial Aid Information (Career Center)
3:15 pm & 6:30 pm - Graduation Requirements & Pathways (Room 126)
Please see attached posters for details and contact information.

The North Mason School Board hosted the first in a series of conversations on district/state policies that our community members have expressed interest in. Facilitating the meeting was Superintendent Rosenbach who introduced the board members and administration team, then presented a slideshow on the topic of locker room safety. Included in the presentation were district and state policies that specifically address creating a non-discriminatory educational environment for all students.
The lively discussion was conducted in a "world-café" style, with one board member at each table taking notes while 2-3 community members answered a specific question. Groups rotated between tables and questions, spending approximately 7-10 minutes in each conversation.
Thank you to all who attended to share their voice! The NMSD board of directors really appreciated the opportunity to meet you all and speak in this small group format.
Next up will be our January 15th, 2025 conversation about cell phone policies and restrictions. More information will be shared closer to that time.

💙 Recognizing RESPECT 💙
Dannette Hull, NMHS Office Coordinator, nominated by Admin for demonstrating respect at all times, going above and beyond to help, and, always, with a SMILE! "She is amazing!"
Congratulations, Dannette!

Happy National Principals Month! Sending a huge thank you to our incredible principals who lead with dedication and inspire our students every day. Your impact is invaluable! #ThankAPrincipal #NationalPrincipalsMonth

Community Conversation: Locker Room Safety
This is the first in a series the district will be hosting to discuss topics of interest to our community. Please RSVP to Jackie Young, jyoung@northmasonschools.org, if you are planning to attend. When: October 2nd, 2024 from 6-8 pm in the NMHS Commons.

Students collected staff signatures throughout the month of September when they were recognized as being Prepared, Always Respectful, Working Hard or being Safe. At the end of the month they exchanged their PAWS cards for admission to the PAWS party! Activities students could choose from included drawing, Kahoot, gym sports, field sports, board games, movies and music.
Feedback about the event was really positive, some students saying that they enjoyed spending time with friends doing a favorite activity, while others shared that they felt rewarded for completing their work. These PAWS parties will be held each month to acknowledge, and CELEBRATE, students who model these Hawkins' principles.
Great job, Huskies!
(Thank you to Laura Pugh for sharing these photos and information.)

📣Share your voice, North Mason!
Possip Pulse Checks® are a great way to keep us updated on your needs! Next survey coming October 2nd!
Learn more by watching these videos:
English: https://youtu.be/P5Zcy4an3qM
Spanish: https://youtu.be/Im5RJ3ZdNdk

🐟 Marine Biology students from NMHS went on their first work-based learning field trip today as part of the newly launched Natural Resource Management CTE Pathway. They visited Minter Creek Hatchery where they learned to spawn salmon, examine the incubation trays, learned about the wire coded tags, intakes and fish raceways. Essentially, they were introduced to the complete process of working at a hatchery! Thank you, Ms. Landers, for sharing this information so we can see the opportunities our students are benefitting from as part of the CTE offerings in our district.
For more information on the CTE programs available, please contact Alexia Hadfield, CTE Director or visit our website at https://www.northmasonschools.org/o/nmhs/page/career-technical-education

Hawkins MS ended the week with their first spirit assembly of the year that more resembled the opening ceremonies at the Olympics. Students sat with their advisories, waving posters and cheering to celebrate the launch of their Olympic theme. The festivities began with a timed trivia challenge that had the volume in the room increasing after every answer. The year-long competition groups students by their advisories and is designed to increase participation, boost charity drives, and highlight other projects that will be rolled out over the course of the year.
Let the games begin!

Students were very proud to show off their (almost) completed flag projects today in Ms. Cole's 5th grade class. They've put in a lot of effort: selecting a country, conducting in-depth research to compile data, then creating posters to present these facts. Beyond the facts, students looked into the cultural diversity by exploring the food and customs of their chosen country. One of Ms. Cole's goals with this in-depth project was to create an awareness and appreciation of different cultures; something clearly on display when hearing the students speak about their countries. Impressive!
Well done, Bobcats!

Students and their families learned important details associated with having a successful high school career at the Freshman Orientation Night held yesterday in the Commons. Career counselor Deb Swaser explained the 'ins and outs' of all things high school, including credit checks, classes and graduation requirements. The well-attended evening provided a wealth of knowledge for students and their families.
Thank you to our high school counseling team for hosting this valuable session, and Assistant Principal Hackett for sharing this information. And, a BIG thank you to all who attended. Participation = Student Success!

NMSD Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15th - October 15th
Happy Independence Day to our students and families from Mexico (9/16), Guatemala (9/15) and Honduras (9/15)!

🥧 It was a fun-filled Friday at the NMHS student assembly celebrating all things Bulldogs. Not as much fun for the teachers getting a pie in the face! The teachers came up short in the staff vs. student competitions at 'Rise Above Day' on the first day of school, where students heard expectations about the district's four pillars: Responsible, Respectful, Safe and Kind. Rise Above Day also included a review of the student handbook and learning all about HOW to be a BULLDOG. Thank you, Principal Collins, for sharing this fun end to the week at NMHS!

📢 GATES Scholarship applications due September 15, 2024 @ 2:00 PM PT !
Visit the website to apply: https://www.thegatesscholarship.org/scholarship
🔴 About The Gates Scholarship
The Gates Scholarship (TGS) is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from low-income households. Each year, the scholarship is awarded to exceptional student leaders, with the intent of helping them realize their maximum potential.
Selected Scholars will receive funding for the full cost of attendance to earn a bachelor’s degree, that is not already covered by other financial aid and the Student Aid Index, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the methodology used by a Scholar’s college or university. Costs covered include tuition, fees, books, and food and housing, and may include additional personal costs.

4-H Starts October 1st! Open to youth ages 5-18. Contact Pam Pettingill to join. nanaladyof2@gmail.com

🔴 Bear Creek Dewatto Road Closure Extended 🔴
We received an update from Mason County that the closure at the Bear Creek Dewatto twin culvert replacement project has been extended due to an equipment breakdown. The road is now scheduled to reopen at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. For more information and detour maps, please visit the Mason County website https://masoncountywa.gov/public-works/road-closures.php.
We will continue to pick up and drop off students at the alternate stop until the road opens.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.